To become a member of Rhythm of NH requires no special skills except the ability to hold a tune and a 100% commitment to the chorus vision, goals and activities. Training and support are provided; you just need to ask. All Rhythm of NH members strive for continuous improvement.
Previous experience is not essential to become a member, although it's often helpful. Many of our members have no formal singing experience prior to joining the chorus.
What part do I sing?
If you have never sung four-part harmony, barbershop style, you probably want to know what's so special about picking a part. Unlike the traditional parts called soprano and alto, our singing parts have different names and thus different roles:
LEAD - sings the melody line most of the time. They sing with authority. The lead section determines the chorus' personality.
TENOR - sings harmony, usually above the leads.
BARITONE - sings harmony, above or below the lead and is the “glue” between the lead and bass parts.
BASS - sings a low, full harmony part that rounds out the barbershop sound.

Each new guest spends a few minutes with our director or someone from our music team, who will have you sing some scales to determine the most comfortable voice part. This is not an audition, just a way to make sure you start off in the appropriate section. After you have tried one part, if you would like to try a different one, please speak with our director.
After you've attended 4-5 rehearsals, you can audition to join the chorus. You will receive a link to the music and learning tracks on your first visit along with a list of song choices. You only have to sing one song with our music team. We just want to make sure you're able to hold your part!
How much does it cost?
Our current dues are $25.50 per month for each member. This covers the cost of international and regional affiliation dues, hall rental fees, chorus equipment, coaching fees, music and learning track fees, director fees, etc. There are some additional costs (i.e., costumes, make-up, expenses for attending conventions) that aren't covered by the monthly dues. We make every effort to keep our dues from increasing by taking paid performances and fund-raising.